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Timber: What's Next?!

January 2022

Dear {subtag:name},

First of all, we wish you a Happy New Year!! 2022 has just begun and we hope you're ready to face new challenges. We're very excited since our pipeline is already quite busy with some interesting projects... of course made of timber!

Why should you contact us and work with us this year?
Because the keywords at Ergodomus are always: innovation, intuition, creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, passion for our job and a bit of "madness" to make possible the impossible.

As you know, Ergodomus is based in Italy but we've been working internationally for years thanks to digitizationDfMA and a very efficient organization. I truly believe this is what makes us different.

Look at the map below: every pin is a project!

This month we'll also talk about the economy: what are the "side effects" of the economic and social progress on our society? How can we take them into account and how can timber be of any help? We're exploring new "hidden parameters" to consider when it comes to quoting a price of a timber structure.

And then: how can timber be used to build the HQ of a no-profit organization? What are the benefits?

Green Deal Timber Construction in the Netherlands

In October 2021, 32 municipalities in the Netherlands signed the so-called "Green Deal Timber Construction". Why is this Green Deal important in light of Amsterdam’s climate and circularity ambitions? From 2025 onwards, in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (MRA) all the new construction will include at least 20% timber, which means an annual reduction of approximately 220,000 tons of CO2.

We hope many other cities will follow soon!

/ An HQ made of timber

What about using Mass Timber to cut the time on-site and have very quickly a new HQ? This is what the Blue Cross thought.
Look at the result!!


/ Economy and timber

What are the "side effects" of the economic and social progress on our society? Can timber be the solution?


/ Green Deal

How can a reduction of more than 220,000 tons of CO2 be achieved?
Read more about the new "Green Deal Timber Construction" recently signed in the Netherlands.


/ AR and Timber

New technologies are constantly helping us to improve our life's quality. Augmented reality is helping us to improve the quality of our projects and to avoid problems during the assembly.


/ Structural analysis

Structural analysis is one of our main services and it allows us to value engineer a project.
We can also deal with many different building codes.


/ Follow us on LinkedIn!

Ergodomus community is constantly growing on LinkedIn. A place where you can interact easily and quickly with us.

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