Newsletter Ergodomus |
#04/17 | |
Dear Reader: over 180 responses from 15 different countries. These are the unexpected numbers of our last survey. How is it perceived the sector of timber construction among technicians and entrepreneurs? Many unexpected and very interesting answers! Social and wood: we are also on LinkedIn where you can find a lot of information and you can also interact directly with us and the Linkedin's community. Follow us! PS: have you already read the quote from the great architect Gaudi reported at the page's bottom?
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We want you!
We are seeking a native english speaking student or newly graduated for a 3 months paid internship. (more...) | |
Follow us on LinkedIn!
Weekly updates and especially the opportunity to ask questions involving virtually all the infinite LinkedIn's community. These are the benefits for those who become our followers. And… it's for free! (more...) |
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"The great book, always open and which we should make an effort to read, is that of Nature." Arch. Antoni Gaudì | |
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