Ergodomus will be in Copenhagen to talk about wood on 11th April 2018

Did you know that Denmark is the only Scandinavian state that (almost) does not use wood as a building material?
Yet the construction sector has been growing significantly in recent years. This is why the prestigious KEA Institute (Copenhagen School of Design and Technology) organized a conference and …
… invited our director ing. Franco Piva to talk about our projects together with other prestigious Danish and Norwegian technicians. Rothoblaas will be the main sponsor of the event and will present its wide range of products designed for timber industry.
The invitation is extended to architects and engineers who are curious to understand the potential of this wonderful material. The conference will be held in English.
Click here to register

KEA præsenterer. (KEA Presents)
i samarbejde med, (In Cooperation With)
Netværk for højhuse i træ ( (Network for tall timber Buildings)
TræInfo ( (WoodInfo and)
Rothoblaas ( (Rothoblaas)
Ergodomus (
Byg med CLT – fra tegning til projekt. (To build with CLT – from drawing to project)
Eftermiddagskonference om at få ide, omsat til noget der kan bygges i træ. (An afternoon conference on how to transform an idea, to something that can be built in wood)
På denne dag kan du blandt andet høre om: (On this day, you can, among others, hear about: )
- Fra ide og tegning, til ingeniør. Hvilke udfordringer og løsninger er der med træ. (From idea and drawing, to the engineering. Challanges and soloutions with wood) (Franco – Ergodomus Timber Engineering, Italy)
- Træ og brand, hvordan forholder jeg mig til det? (Wood and fire, how to relate to this aspect)
- Akustik og transport af lyd mellem forskellige bygningsdele. (Acoustic and transportation of sound between different building components) (Rothoblaas)
- Praktisk erfaring fra byggeri med CLT. v. Arch. Bengt Michalsen – (Practical experience from construction with CLT. At Arch. Bengt Michalsen, Norway)
- Affordable student housing using CLT (Andrea Boller, Italy)
- Byg med træ, i et dansk perspektiv. (When, and how to, use wood in a Danish contest) (WoodInfo)
- Netværk for højhuse i træ. (Network for tall timber buildings)(v. Peder Fynholm, Teknologisk Institut.)