
IWBC 2021 Boston conference

IWBC (Industrialized Wood-Based Construction) Conference in Boston, save the date!

A confluence of global drivers including ESG, carbon sequestration, labor shortages, offsite productivity and digitalization are fueling a surge in demand for panelized and volumetric modular solutions with mass timber and light framing.

IWBC is where wood-based offsite construction’s suppliers, buyers and specifiers meet to explore opportunities, exchange ideas and introduce technologies to move this industry forward. Opportunities and advancements in integrated, offsite, wood-based manufacturing explained by the experts.

IWBC 2021, October 26—27

We are pleased to announce that our director Franco will give a speech at “IWBC 2021” in Boston on October 26th at 10:00 am EDT.

We invite you all to join us!

For more info click here: IWBC 2021