DfMA stands for “Design for Manufacture and Assembly” and is a methodology for identifying, quantifying, and eliminating waste or inefficiency in a product design. For us, timber engineers, it means adding a new layer to value engineering.
DfMA has driven our work since the firm was established in 2007 allowing us to engineer more than 300 buildings in more that 15 countries.
Last year we decided to host a free conference online with international experts, and given it’s enormous success, we are now welcoming you to the second edition!
A success we did not expect!
You can watch the conference here, if you prefer LinkedIn you can easily go on our LinkedIn page to watch it.
The second edition of DfMAy was an enormous success! With incredible speakers from some of the most interesting markets, the event was truly unforgettable. Their inspiring presentations had a great impact on the whole conference and the knowledge and experiences shared gave to the audience a valid overview about the future of sustainable building practices.
We collected some slides and made a super precious document available for free. In this compilation you can find the speakers key insights and contributions during the conference.

DfMAy’s International Speaker
For the second edition of DfMAy our main goal was to raise the bar of Timber Engineering even more, and we strongly believe we did.
This year’s speakers are some of the leading exponents and experts on the topics that characterize the DfMA approach. We are ready to deepen into numerous arguments such as digital model, timber as a digital material, information sharing, detailing, collaboration, holistic, on-site problems prediction. If you want to learn more about our incredible speakers, click on their name to visit their LinkedIn profile.

Catch up on the first meeting if you missed it!
The first edition of DfMAy has been a success and numbers speak for themselves! A few hundreds people attended our online free conference sharing priceless knowledge, information and experiences. If you missed it, here you can find the entire conference!